
commitment CSR

At Parella, we are aware of our responsibilities. We believe that placing the environment and society at the heart of our activities is synonymous with value creation, creativity and growth.

Parella wins Ecovadis award

our challenges

At Parella, we are aware of our responsibilities. We believe that placing the environment and society at the heart of our activities is synonymous with value creation, creativity and growth.


The real estate industry produces 39% of the world's greenhouse gases, more than any other industry.

But decarbonizing is not the only challenge. Against a backdrop of digitalization and rapidly changing lifestyles and working practices, real estate players today must take into account of health, well-being, inclusion, diversity and human rights in their activities.

Committed to contributing to a more sustainable world through more responsible real estate and workspace strategies, we integrate our CSR strategy into all our activities. We adopt a global, multidimensional approach with our customers, employees, shareholders and partners.

Here are just a few examples of the topics covered in our workshops:

Calculating your carbon footprint - Theenvironmental impact of the construction sector - The environmental and social impact of the clothing sector - Responsible food -Companies with a mission - Theenvironmental impact of transport -Quality of life at work

It is also an opportunity to recommend readings or events linked to the theme (exhibition, play, etc.).
All employees can find information on the internal mini-site dedicated to our CSR commitments.

our commitments

Faced with these environmental and social challenges, Parella is committed to a holistic CSR approach covering all the pillars of corporate responsibility.

Our environmental commitments,
our priorities.

Our environmental policy is based on a number of key principles that reflect the sincerity of our approach.

Our environmental policy is based on a number of key principles that reflect the sincerity of our approach:

01 / Reducing our carbon footprint.

Achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 through concrete and measured actions, both in our own activities and in projects carried out with our customers.

02 / Sustainable resource and waste management.

Promoting the circular economy, reducing our consumption and optimizing the sorting, recycling and reuse of materials.

03 / Collective mobilization and awareness-raising.

Engage our employees, customers and partners in a common dynamic to strengthen our collective impact.

04 / Responsible purchasing and supplier management.

Select partners and materials according to rigorous environmental impact criteria.

05 / Continuous improvement and sustainable progress.

Monitor our performance, adjust our strategies, and integrate regulatory and technological advances to ensure sustainable progress.

Our social commitments,
our priorities.

Our commitments are based on key principles that reflect the sincerity of our approach

These social challenges are based on structuring principles that reflect the sincerity of our approach:

01 / Improving the Quality of Life at work for our employees.

Improving the Quality of Life at work for our employees: in particular by implementing concrete initiatives aimed at improving the balance between professional and personal life.

02 / Guarantee parity and professional equality for men and women at every stage of their career.

Guarantee gender parity and professional equality at every stage of the career path, from recruitment to internal promotion, including access to training.

03 / Creating and promoting an inclusive work environment.

Create and promote an inclusive working environment where everyone feels valued and respected, whatever their background, abilities or disability.

Our contribution to society

societal contribution

As a player in real estate and the corporate working environment, we have no choice but to mobilize and act for the climate.

CSR Report

Our usefulness is part of our responsibility; it is also what underpins our sustainability. We are pleased to invite you to discover our 2024 CSR report. 


A project?

- Let's talk.

How to find us

105 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré,
75008 Paris, France


+ 33 1 85 65 55 00
